Dominican Father Joseph
Barranger, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas, incenses the people
during the Rite of Dedication. (Photo/Michael Mickle)
Barranger, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas, incenses the people
during the Rite of Dedication. (Photo/Michael Mickle)

Dan Fagan, project manager, Alexander Nicholson, Inc., seals relics into the altar after Bishop Knestout had placed them inside. (Photos/Michael Mickle)

Dominican Father Michael O’Connor, left, directs the schola composed of Dominican
Brothers Louis Bethea, Vincent Bernhard and Michael Donahue
as they sing during the dedication Mass. (Photo/Michael Mickle)
Brothers Louis Bethea, Vincent Bernhard and Michael Donahue
as they sing during the dedication Mass. (Photo/Michael Mickle)