Bishops offer prayer for healing from coronavirus and an end to pandemic

A person praying, wearing surgical gloves.

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — Here is the text of “A Holy Week Prayer for Healing From the Coronavirus” released by the bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in America:

            Almighty God, our Father in Heaven, this week, we your children enter into the most solemn time of the liturgical year.

            During Holy Week, we Christians will relive the sorrow of the passion and death of your Son, Jesus Christ, and will experience the joy of his triumphal resurrection on the third day, Pascha.

            Our Jewish brothers and sisters, your chosen people, will relive the Passover, when through the blood of the lambs, You protected them from the angel of death and your servant Moses led them from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land.

            We pray you, protect everyone throughout the world from the present angel of illness and death.

            Welcome into your kingdom all those who have fallen asleep in the Lord from this disease.

            May your Son, the Supreme Physician of our bodies and souls, heal all those who are afflicted and suffering from this illness.

            May Jesus Christ journey with those who are experiencing their personal passion and journey to Calvary that they will share in the resurrection with him.

            Comfort and console the grieving families that accompany their loved ones on their final earthly journeys.

            May the Holy Spirit bestow his gifts upon all those who provide medical care to the afflicted and sustain them with fortitude, courage and endurance.

            May the wisdom of the Holy Spirit guide the researchers in finding cures and developing treatments that will destroy this modern-day plague.

            Finally, may the Most Holy Mother of God extend her blessed mantle of protection over all of us.

            Almighty Lord, we humbly beseech you to hear and grant our prayer.


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