Holy Year 2025 website launches, registration opens in the fall

This is the logo chosen by the Vatican for the Holy Year 2025. Pope Francis has chosen the theme, "Pilgrims of Hope," for the jubilee year, which is marked by pilgrimages, prayer, repentance and acts of mercy. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) EDITORS: FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The Vatican office in charge of coordinating plans for the Holy Year 2025 announced they are launching a new website and releasing an app to help people register and to guide them along their pilgrimage in Rome.

By registering online at iubilaeum2025.va or on the jubilee app, people will receive a free digital “pilgrim’s card,” which will be needed to participate in jubilee events, said Msgr. Graham Bell, undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization’s section that is coordinating the Holy Year.

The jubilee website was to go live May 10 and be available in nine languages, he said at a news conference at the Vatican May 9.

People can begin registering online starting in September, he said, “by clicking on the ‘participate’ button.” After registering, people will be able to access a personal page on the site’s “pilgrim’s zone,” which will also go live in September.

This is a list of major events being planned for the Holy Year 2025 as published by the Dicastery for Evangelization’s section that is coordinating the celebration. The jubilee will begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in December 2024, and there will be “major jubilee events” throughout 2025. Registration to attend the events will begin in September 2024 online at iubilaeum2025.va or on the jubilee app. (CNS photo/Courtesy Dicastery for Evangelization)

Registrants will receive a digital “pilgrim’s card,” which is a personal QR code needed to access jubilee events and better facilitate the pilgrimage to the Holy Door, the monsignor said. There also will be an option to purchase a “service card” for a nominal fee to receive special discounts for transportation, lodging, food and museums during the pilgrimage.

The jubilee website and app will give news and information on the Holy Door of St. Peter’s and the other basilicas as well as offer the possibility of organizing one’s own pilgrimage within the city, Msgr. Bell said.

People can choose from three proposed pilgrimages: “the traditional pilgrimage of St. Philip Neri with the seven churches; the pilgrimage on the churches dedicated to the women doctors of the church and patrons of Europe; and the ‘Iter Europaeum,’ that is, the 28 churches in 27 different European countries, plus the church that represents the European Union.”

Pope Francis has asked Catholics worldwide to prepare for the next jubilee year by spending 2023 studying the documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially its four constitutions, which focused on: the liturgy; the Church as the people of God; Scripture; and the role of the Church in the modern world.

Since the pope wants 2024 to be dedicated to prayer in preparation for the jubilee, the dicastery will publish an in-depth series called “Notes on Prayer.”

The ordinary jubilee will begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in December 2024 and there will be “major jubilee events” throughout 2025. For example, Jan. 24, 2025, will be dedicated to the World of Communications, May 30-June 1, 2025, will be dedicated to families, and July 28-Aug. 3, 2025, will be dedicated to young people.

The city of Rome has estimated more than 30 million people will come to Rome for the jubilee year.


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