Letters – October 16, 2023


Voters should follow the Church

Virginia early voting began September 22nd.

The last issue of The Catholic Virginian had an excellent center spread to help us prepare for the upcoming elections in Virginia. Our focus as Catholics rests on the common good based on the integrity of human life from the moment of conception, keeping in mind always, “One may never do evil so that good may result from it” (CCC 1789).

We cannot support intrinsic evils (e.g., abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, and research on human embryos) or programs encouraging sinful acts (e.g., grave depravity – see CCC Article 8 “SIN,” 1846-1869, also, 1 Tim 1:9-10; 1 Cor 6:9-10).

We cannot vote for issues that deny the family and family rights (such as parental rights relating to their children’s lives, health, and education). Racism is contrary to Catholic teaching (CCC 1935) and must be opposed (e.g., critical race theory is inherently racist). Doing so endangers our own souls and can incur responsibility for those sins (CCC 1868).

As noted, not all issues are of equal importance. Intrinsic evils are non-negotiable and must not be supported. Negotiable policies deal with how issues such as job creation, welfare policies, education (e.g., school choice), and immigration might be implemented as opposed to the issues themselves.

Abortion is significantly more important than welfare issues. Pope St. John Paul II noted, “It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all inalienable rights are founded and from which they develop.”

Our issues are the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Church. They are neither Republican nor Democrat, right or left; they are Catholic.

Here are some things to consider about candidates and parties when voting:

  • Support for intrinsic evils?
  • Support for religious freedom, school choice, free speech?
  • Record of truth and transparency?
  • Support for the fullness of human sexuality as taught by the Church?
  • Support for the sanctity of the family, the elderly, and marriage?
  • Personal responsibility?
  • Who takes you further from God?

Consider: “The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil.” – Venerable Fulton Sheen

-Tom Klocek, Chesapeake


Remember the true treasures

In the Sept. 18 edition, there appeared an article entitled “Stewards of God: sharing our time, talents, treasures.” This is a well-written article about an exciting program. I hope that the “Corresponsables de Dios” or “Stewards of God” continues to grow and have an influence in our diocese.

My reason for writing is the use of the word “treasures” when the writer means money.  While some may see this as a clever use of alliteration, I think that we as Christians are taught not to view money as a treasure.

In his dream, St. Jerome is told that he is a Ciceronian and not a Christian because he valued his ability to write in Classical Latin over writing in a form of Latin that was understandable by ordinary Christians. He was told by a voice that “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Lk 12:34). Waking up in a cold sweat, Jerome changed his writing style and translated the Bible in a style that all could understand.

In an old Roman story, two women are having a conversation. One woman is showing off her jewelry and gems. Seeing that her friend was not wearing jewelry, the first woman asked, “Where are your gems?”  The second woman gathered her children around her and said, “These are my gems.”

When asked, I do not think that any Christian would say that treasure is money, yet we see the triple alliteration “time, talents, and treasures” used often in church fundraising literature. Let’s not teach that “treasure” is money when our faith teaches us to detach from possessions.

Remember, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Mt 19:23-24). When the Church wants my money they should ask for money.

-Kevin G. Bezy, Rocky Mount



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