This latest installment in a long-running and popular survival-themed horror series centers on the hero (voice of Todd Soley) of its previous episode whose initially contented domestic life is tragically altered when kidnappers shoot his wife (voice of Katie O’Hagan) and abduct both him and his infant daughter. Separated from the baby, he pursues her captors, but the chase lands him in the community of the title, a burg inhabited by monsters and controlled by a perversely bizarre family. There he uses a variety of weapons, ranging from pistols to machine guns, to battle zombies, werewolves and vampires. The resulting combat is accompanied by gruesome depictions of gory wounds and even dismemberment. The designers effectively create a spooky atmosphere. Yet the graphic slaughter that punctuates the suspense they build up makes this a poor choice for all but those grown-ups inured to scenes of mayhem. Playable on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox X/S, Google Stadia and Windows. Bloody violence, disturbing images, occult themes, considerable rough and crude language. The Catholic News Service classification is L — limited adult audience, material whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. The Entertainment Software Rating Board rating is M — mature.