This sixth installment in the family-friendly, links-themed series features beloved characters competing amid new twists. Gamers play as one of 16 residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, the realm where most events in the “Marioverse” occur. For the most part, they follow the traditional rules of the real-life sport. Besides the standard mode, there are several variations to explore. Competitors engage in some highly stylized mischief, bumping each other around or using bombs like the ones deployed by Wile E. Coyote against the Road Runner to knock out adversaries, with no real damage inflicted. Local and online multiplayer is available for up to four people. But there is no matchmaking, so children are not at risk of being exposed to the misbehavior of strangers. Playable on Nintendo Switch. Cartoonish violence. The Catholic News Service classification is A-I — general patronage. The Entertainment Software Rating Board rating is E — everyone.