This follow-up to the 2013 original is a spirited, fun-filled animated comedy suitable for almost all ages. A Stone Age couple (voices of Nicolas Cage and Catherine Keener) and their three children (voices of Emma Stone, Clark Duke and Kailey Crawford) join a teenage boy (voice of Ryan Reynolds) on a perilous quest for a safe haven. They reach an oasis of tranquility and abundance run by an “evolved” Neanderthal family (the parents voiced by Peter Dinklage and Leslie Mann, their adolescent daughter by Kelly Marie Tran). A culture clash between the clans ensues, though it leads eventually to mutual respect and appreciation. A few potentially scary, albeit slapstick, moments and a handful of toilet jokes aside, director Joel Crawford’s film makes a pleasant escape that’s appropriate for a wide audience. Cartoonish action, some vaguely scatological humor. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II — adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.