Endearing animated comedy in which a socially isolated middle schooler (voice of Jack Dylan Grazer) yearns for the robot toy that has become a status symbol among his classmates. But, when he receives one as a birthday gift from his cash-strapped, widowed dad (voice of Ed Helms) and Bulgarian immigrant grandmother (voice of Olivia Colman), it turns out to be a damaged model (voice of Zach Galifianakis) that he initially spurns. As he learns to appreciate the affection and sunny good nature underlying the eccentricities of his quirky new companion, co-directors Sarah Smith, Jean-Philippe Vine and Octavio E. Rodriguez’s film, which Smith co-wrote with Peter Baynham, wreaks entertaining chaos while sending positive messages about friendship, altruism and the need to resist both peer pressure and mindless consumerism. Characters in peril, some mild scatological humor, a single slightly crass expression. The Catholic News Service classification is A-I — general patronage. The Motion Picture Association rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.