This musical romance with an evangelical Christian twist follows a troubled teen (Kevin Quinn) in foster care who chooses to attend a faith-promoting summer camp as an alternative to juvenile detention. There he falls for the daughter (Bailee Madison) of its owner (David Koechner), helps a tongue-tied pal (Jahbril Cook) give voice to his long-standing crush (on Kat Conner Sterling) and develops other positive relationships. While director Roman White’s film, scripted by Kali Bailey and Alan Powell, doesn’t get any points for originality, its portrayal of young people trying to find their way in the world with the guidance of caring grown-ups will resonate with its target audience. And believing viewers of many stripes will appreciate the message that God has a plan for each and every human life. A soundtrack featuring popular songs from well-known contemporary Christian performers and some lighthearted humor are additional assets. Mature themes. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II — adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association.