Reviews / Book Reviews

May 9, 2024, by Mike Mastromatteo, OSV News
"The Popes on Air: The History of Vatican Radio from its Origins to World War II" Raffaella Perin, Fordham University Press (2024) 288 pages, $30 Readers looking for exoneration of Pope Pius XII for his "silence" about the Holocaust (Shoah) during World War II might be disappointed with this new release from Fordham University Press. "The Popes on Air," an extensively researched history of Vatican Radio from its modest beginnings to the end of World War II, captures the Holy See's dilemma in leading the Catholic Church in the age of Fascist and totalitarian governments in Europe. While extolling Pius XII's struggles to protect the Church from Nazi aggression and Soviet communist expansion, the book suggests the pope could have…

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