News / Local

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July 5, 2024, by D. Hunter Reardon, The Catholic Virginian
July 5, 2024, by Lily Nguyen Dunkle, The Catholic Virginian
July 4, 2024, by D. Hunter Reardon, The Catholic Virginian
July 2, 2024, by Jennifer Neville, Special to The Catholic Virginian
July 2, 2024, by D. Hunter Reardon, The Catholic Virginian
July 2, 2024, by The Catholic Virginian Staff
June 24, 2024, by D. Hunter Reardon, The Catholic Virginian
June 23, 2024, by Joe Staniunas, Special to The Catholic Virginian
June 21, 2024, by Wendy Klesch, Special to The Catholic Virginian

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