Deacons celebrate 10th anniversary of ordination

In 2012, Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo ordained 38 men as permanent deacons for the Diocese of Richmond. Because of the size of the class, 19 men were ordained on Oct. 13, and 19 were ordained on Nov. 3. In October and November issues, The Catholic Virginian will feature deacons celebrating their 10th anniversary.


Victor “V. J.” Petillo

Spouse: Ronda

Parish: St. Bridget, Richmond

Occupation: Behavioral Consultant

Describe the rewarding aspect(s) of your diaconal ministry: It’s a privilege to serve during Mass, to proclaim the Gospel and sometimes preach. I greatly enjoy spending time with people of the parish, teaching, providing pastoral care and being present with them in their various stages of life and spirituality. I’ve grown tremendously in my ability to carry out pre-marriage formation with couples and to celebrate the sacrament of matrimony. Celebrating the sacrament of baptism has also been a joy, especially because it gives so much hope regarding the future of our parish and our faith as a whole. Lastly, the grace of ordination has caused me to grow in exciting and unexpected ways regarding my evangelization.

Jim Satterwhite

Spouse: Cyndi

Parish: St. Joan of Arc, Yorktown

Occupation: Retired: Northrop Grumman/TASC, Senior Program Engineer

Describe the rewarding aspect(s) of your diaconal ministry: The efforts of a deacon may not be seen or understood by the world, but God sees, understands and loves. To me, it feels a bit awkward to even discuss rewards for doing something that is so gratifying! I will, however, share two of my favorite aspects of diaconal ministry: administering the sacrament of baptism and comforting the loved ones of those who have died. Both celebrate Christ claiming and welcoming a soul as heaven rejoices! I pray my diaconal ministry blesses others at least half as much as it blesses me!

Antonio Siochi

Spouse: Emilie

Parish: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Newport News

Occupation: Professor

Describe the rewarding aspect(s) of your diaconal ministry: The rewarding aspects of my diaconal ministry are the fruits of diaconal ordination. It is a blessing to be able to assist at Mass, to walk with my brothers and sisters in their need, to celebrate their joy, to learn from them and to see God’s reflection in them.

Kevin Trail

Spouse: Patricia

Parish: St. Stephen, Martyr, Chesapeake

Occupation: Propulsion Systems Engineer

Describe the rewarding aspect(s) of your diaconal ministry: I treasure the opportunity to be with God’s people and serve them. The many aspects of my ministry – serving at Mass, teaching sacramental preparation, performing the sacraments, and visiting the sick and infirm – allow me to meet people where they are and bring them the message of Jesus through word and deed. Being a deacon causes me to constantly seek a deeper understanding of Jesus and has exposed me to a variety of experiences that I would have otherwise missed. The inspiration I receive from my brother deacons keeps me motivated and helps me draw closer to God.

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