Resuming his catechesis, in the context of the general audience this morning held in the Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis continued his series on old age. On this occasion he stressed that the testimony that the elderly can give to children and young people “is credible” because he looks “to the horizon of our destiny” that is, eternal life. For this reason it is harmful to see today the separation between the ages of life, as if they competed with each other
“The alliance of the oldest with the youngest will save the human family” if we return to the children, who must “learn to be born”, “the tender testimony of the elders who possess the wisdom of death”. A testimony that “is credible for children”, more than for young people and adults, because old age closes the horizon of our destiny. That is why “it is painful and damaging to see the ages of life conceived as separate worlds, in competition with each other.”
This is the core of the catechesis of Pope Francis during the general audience this morning, held in the Paul VI Hall in Vatican City before several thousand faithful and pilgrims from various countries. It was the 17th catechesis dedicated to old age.
The first and the last
The Holy Father commented on a passage from the Old Testament, taken from the Book of Daniel, which describes a dream of the prophet, “a vision of God as mysterious as it is splendorous.” A vision referring to the risen Jesus, “who appears to the seer as Messiah”, puts his hand on his shoulder and reassures him: “Do not be afraid! I am the First and the Last, and the Living. He was dead, but now I live forever”.
The Bishop of Rome commented in this regard that, in this way, “the last barrier of fear and anguish” that the manifestation of God has always provoked disappears: “The Living One reassures us. He too died, but now he occupies the place that is destined for him: that of the First and the Last.”
Relationship between theophany and the cycle of life
Summarizing his catechesis in our language, the Pontiff told the dear brothers and sisters present that “the various symbols make us see the relationship between the theophany, that is, the manifestation of divinity, and the cycle of life.”
“God is Lord of time and history. On the one hand, we are presented with the image of an ancient God, particularly when speaking of his hair, which was like pure wool; and, on the other hand, we see his strength and the beauty of him, represented in the fire”
Before the mystery of God’s eternity
Francis affirmed that “we are before the mystery of God’s eternity: the old and the new coexist. For this reason – he added – the testimony of the elderly is an authentic gift, a true blessing for children”. Hence his statement that “the alliance of the greatest with the least will save the human family.”
“The stages of life are not separate worlds that compete with each other, but rather are an alliance that unites past, present and future, giving humanity strength and beauty”
Greetings from the Pope
“I cordially greet the Spanish-speaking pilgrims. Let us ask the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Assumed into heaven, so that we can always contemplate the mystery of life and death with eyes of eternity. God bless you. Thank you very much”
Seek Jesus in the elderly and in the poor
In welcoming the dear Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, the Bishop of Rome wished them that this summer period, which for many is vacation time, be for all of them “an opportunity to get even closer to Jesus Christ”. Since He “lays his hand on our shoulders, he strengthens us and encourages us to look for him in the elderly and the poor.” And he wished them that the Virgin of the Assumption protect us on this journey of faith.
“Our destiny opens on the most beautiful life that has no expiration date”
The Pope greeted the English-speaking pilgrims, invoking on all of them and their families “the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” To the French, on the other hand, the Holy Father said that death “is certainly a difficult passage in life. But we can learn from our elders, who have the horizon of our destiny firm, which opens on the most beautiful life that no longer has an expiration date.
Destiny to life that death cannot annihilate
Greeting the German-speaking pilgrims warmly, the Holy Father invited them to try to strengthen, in our daily lives, that alliance between the elderly and children that saves the human family. While the Arabic-speaking pilgrims were also reminded of that alliance, “so old age must bear witness to children of its blessing, which “consists in their initiation”, as beautiful as it is difficult, “in the mystery of a destiny to the life that no one can annihilate, not even death”.
The Pope reminded the Polish faithful that, during these days, thousands of pilgrims go to the sanctuary of Jasna Góra, to pray “for peace and reconciliation in the world”. And he stressed that among them there are many Ukrainians who have found a hospitable home in their country. Hence his invitation:
“We entrust the destiny of Europe and the world to the Black Madonna”
After welcoming the Italian-speaking pilgrims, the Pope greeted the university students from different countries and religions who are participating in the meeting days promoted by the “Obra Giorgio La Pira”. Francis encouraged these dear friends to follow paths of dialogue and confrontation to build a world of peace.”
He also greeted with special affection the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, who are celebrating their General Chapter, on whom he invoked “copious gifts of the Holy Spirit” and invited them “to cooperate generously in evangelization, especially of the young generations and of people more fragile”.
Always put Christ and the Gospel first
Finally, as is customary, the Bishop of Rome addressed the elderly, the sick, the young and newlyweds, to whom he said:
“The Solemnity of the Assumption, which we celebrated a few days ago, has invited us to live with commitment the path of this world, constantly oriented towards eternal goods. May Mary help everyone to always put Christ and the Gospel first.”
Francisco predica y practica la alianza entre generaciones
El Papa recibe con cariño a los más pequeños que le “interrumpen” en las Audiencias Generales y otros encuentros: los abraza, bendice y les regala una sonrisa. Presentamos una recopilación de estos momentos enternecedores.
Ciudad del Vaticano
“Dejen que los niños vengan a mí”. Las palabras de Jesús en el Evangelio de Mateo (Mt 19,14) se hacen carne viva en el ejemplo del Papa Francisco, quien, entre otras oportunidades, este 17 de agosto recibió una “visita sorpresa” antes de concluir la Audiencia General. Un niño rubio de corta edad subió los escalones del escenario en el Aula Pablo VI. Se acercó hacia el Pontífice, quien lo acogió con dulzura y le regaló un rosario. El pequeño permaneció tranquilo junto al Sucesor de Pedro hasta el final del acto.
Fue un momento especialmente significativo, pues se dio luego de que el Pontífice impartiera su 17ª catequesis del ciclo dedicado a la vejez. En su reflexión, el Obispo de Roma volvió a referirse a la importancia del diálogo entre generaciones y enfatizó que la alianza entre niños y ancianos salvará a la familia humana.