Bishop Knestout leads Eucharistic procession in Denver

DENVER, CO: A eucharistic procession from the annual Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference through downtown Denver to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception drew hundreds from across the country. Led by Bishop Barry C. Knestout of the Diocese of Richmond, the faithful processed in prayer, song and service, even handing out bagged lunches to the poor and homeless they encountered on the way. (Photo/Archdiocese of Denver)

On Tuesday, Sept. 16, Bishop Barry C. Knestout was in Denver for the Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference (DFMC) when he had the opportunity to take the faith to the streets.

Joined by 200 financial professionals from the conference, Bishop Knestout led a Eucharistic procession through downtown Denver to the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.

The procession, which began at the Hyatt Regency and arrived at the cathedral in time for Mass, was a source of interest and curiosity from passersby. The ringing of bells, the smell of incense and the sound of peaceful hymns alerted Denver residents to the presence of the Eucharist. Participants also handed out bagged lunches to the poor along the way.

Bishop Knestout was episcopal moderator for the DFMC, which ran from Sept. 24-27.  Notable speakers included Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Tim Gray of the Augustine Institute and Sister Maris Stella of the Sisters for Life.

Throughout the conference, attendees were encouraged to attend daily Mass, go to confession, pray the rosary and adore the Blessed Sacrament.


Read the full story, plus see additional photos, on the Denver Catholic’s website.

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