Bicentennial Time Capsule

Throughout the Diocese of Richmond’s bicentennial year, a time capsule recalling a particular time in diocesan history is scheduled to be published in each issue of The Catholic Virginian. The bicentennial time capsules have been researched and compiled by Father Anthony E. Marques, chair of the Diocese of Richmond’s Bicentennial Task Force

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June 15, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
June 1, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
May 18, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
May 18, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
May 18, 2020, by Catholic Virginian Staff
May 4, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
April 20, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
April 20, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques
April 6, 2020, by Father Anthony E. Marques

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