Columns / Letters to the Editor
Letters Policy The Catholic Virginian welcomes signed letters to the editor at
[email protected]. Submissions should be no more than 270 words, and writer’s address and phone number as all submissions will be acknowledged. At the editor’s discretion, submitter’s name may be withheld from publication. Letters should address topics reported in The CV or other topics relevant to Catholics. Personal attacks will not be published. Letters may be edited for style, length or content. Opinions expressed by letter writers do not necessarily reflect those of The Catholic Virginian or the Diocese of Richmond.
August 8, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
July 25, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
July 11, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
June 27, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
June 13, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
May 26, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
May 16, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
May 2, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff
April 4, 2022, by Catholic Virginian Staff