Secure human life first
Regarding the letter of Rich Howell (Catholic Virginian, May 3), in which he stated he was disappointed “to see some Catholics clamoring for holy Communion to be denied to President Joe Biden over a single issue.” The issue is abortion.
The sin of abortion has become acceptable in society at large and among many Catholics. Over time, Catholic politicians have been able to run for office on a pro-abortion agenda and couch their positions by saying how they personally deplore abortions, but that they do not let their personal faith dictate their public decisions. Hogwash! These politicians are profiting from the nasty business of abortion!
Paragraph 2272 in the Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
“Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae.”
Some bishops and priests are calling out Biden and other Catholic politicians. Preserving and protecting life is the chief duty of the government and society. All other political or social objectives and obligations come after human life has been secured.
The Church is starting to publicly say so, and it is making many Catholics uncomfortable. Hell is uncomfortable! – Tad Stilwell, Mechanicsville
Politicians are not above Church law
I was appalled at a letter to the editor (Catholic Virginian, May 3) where the writer supported President Joe Biden’s ability to receive holy Communion and dismissed abortion as a “single issue.” Does the writer realize that since the Roe v. Wade decision, 62 million innocent lives have been aborted?
Biden has publicly stated his support for abortion on demand throughout his political career. His support is in stark contract with the tenets of the Catholic Church, which reject abortion as morally wrong at every stage.
Biden should, at the very least, abstain from or be denied Communion. A politician is not above Church law. – Deborah Parrott, Mechanicsville
Every abortion is ‘God-killing’
Some Catholics wonder why abortion is considered a primary issue when considering for whom to vote.
When we consider that:
The Fifth Commandment says: “Thou shalt not kill.”
- Each of us is made in the likeness and image of God.
- Without God’s participation, no baby (fetus) can be created.
- Jesus cautioned: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers, you did unto me.”
So in reality, isn’t every abortion God-killing?
And our Declaration of Independence asserts:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Abortion has gone beyond just mutilating a baby in the womb. Now it is okay in some circles to allow a baby that is born alive to die while the mother and doctor decide whether to let the child live or die.
In addition, we have gotten so callous that Congress has voted to deny pain killing drugs before aborting the baby. Could this be because the organs of some aborted babies are to be born alive so that their living organs and tissues can be used in medical experimentation unsullied by chemicals?
This is not a matter of conjecture; it is happening in our medical schools. The in vivo procedure is taught at the University of California at San Francisco among others.
According to the CDC, from 2018-2020, more than 600,000 abortions were performed. What do you suppose God thinks of this “freedom of choice”? – Patricia Horgan, North Chesterfield
Must be consequences for pro-abortion Catholics
I’m confused on this issue. As a lifetime Catholic, it’s always been my understanding we don’t approve of abortions.
If a Catholic politician votes for abortion, then they need to feel consequences. My mother married a Baptist and then divorced him. She couldn’t take any of the sacraments even though she was a very good Catholic. This hurt her deeply. But you will allow someone who can make civil laws that kill unborn babies with a heartbeat.
This is unacceptable. The Catholic Church has not learned anything from the abuse scandal. You’re losing members because of your wishy-washy ways of doing things. – Gene Warren, Newport News
Pray for wisdom
It really is not that complicated. Never, ever kill an unborn baby. If someone does kill an innocent, unborn baby, have nothing at all to do with it or you become complicit in the heinous act of murder.
We make it complicated because we don’t like God’s laws, and surely God would never want us to suffer in any way at all.
Wrong. We are to suffer. Quite frankly, obeying God is more important than our comfort, health or fear of death.
Pray, dear souls, for wisdom and final perseverance. – Marijo Heitman, Newport News