Letters • December 27, 2021


We are called to be evangelizing disciples

In response to Dot Presson Hewitt’s letter (Catholic Virginian, Dec. 13) requesting Pope, not evangelizers, can bring back Christ’s presence”:

Recent popes have exhorted all of Catholics to be evangelizers. Popes St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis have all made it clear that our individual mission within the Church is to be evangelizing missionary disciples who are witnessing the good news of God’s unconditional love to everyone we encounter.

To say that the changes emanating from the Second Vatican Council are the cause of the disappearance of belief in Jesus’ real presence is to fundamentally misunderstand Jesus’ real presence.

Jesus is fully present in the eucharistic species. However, our Church teaches explicitly that this real presence does not make the “other” presences of Jesus less real. If we pay more attention to the real presence of Jesus in the tabernacle than to the real presence of Jesus in the people we encounter, we miss the true meaning of the real presence of Jesus in the world.

There are certainly different ways to worship and show reverence. But we cannot let our differences of opinion in these matters become stumbling blocks to witnessing the good news of God’s love. If we find it easier to reverence the real presence of God in the tabernacle than to reverence the real presence of God in another person, we miss the intimate, inseparable link between love of God and love of neighbor.

Respectfully reverencing the real presence of Jesus in the tabernacle should strengthen us to go forth to witness that presence to all those we meet. – Paul Flanagan, Virginia Beach

Real presence in readings, Eucharist

Dot Presson Hewitt (Catholic Virginian, Dec. 13) should read the second paragraph of the lead letter by Jimmy Culpepper printed together in “Views.”

The Church is emphasizing Jesus’ real presence among us in the liturgy. He comes first in the readings followed also with real presence in the Eucharist. To emphasize the real presence at liturgy was the reason for the side chapel.

Secondly, what is more magnificent – having someone place the real presence in your mouth or place it in your hand where you touch Jesus and place him into your own heart and body? – Charles V. Woerner, Virginia Beach

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