Letters • January 27, 2020


We’ve become the Church Misguided

We are the Church Militant. It seems that in our current liberal, progressive climate, not only in the secular realm, but also in the religious community, we have morphed, for some, into the Church Misguided.

It appears that many anti-death penalty advocates direct more compassion toward the perpetrator than the victim. In the recent article lauding the diminution of executions, there was no mention at all of the victims of these pariahs who get no reprieve for their sufferings. They are further victimized by society by being forced, through the tax laws, to support the very criminals who violated their God-given rights to live in peace, unmolested.

While we have an obligation to be concerned for the souls of all individuals, including criminals, we also have an obligation as a society to administer justice as well as punishment upon those who refuse to assimilate into the social compact and prey upon their fellow citizens.

When the crimes are of such a nature as to warrant condign punishment as the only just recourse, traditionally, the Church has supported such a punishment. – Gerald Pilley, Chesapeake

Administration has made good people safer

I write as a believing cradle Catholic and reliable Republican voter who came late to the Trump campaign given the alternatives: secular humanism which has no standard of truth beyond what a majority of citizens thinks is in their best interest.

With a lifetime of Catholic education gleaned from my parochial school education through high school, regular attendance at Mass along with many years of reading and trying to understand Scripture, and 50-plus years as a physician dealing with people in some of the most stressful situations of their lives, I have certain opinions which might be characterized by some as a right conscience.

I differ with the opinions expressed in the article by Dennis Sadowski (Catholic Virginian, Jan. 13). As Catholics or parents, we do no favor to children or neighbors by ignoring or condoning behavior or actions dangerous to either their material or spiritual well-being.

Of course, it’s better if they choose by right example from parents or role models than by force or control. Christ himself taught that a caring gardener or shepherd picks the fruit or culls the flock when it’s fully mature.

While it might be true that true love and forgiveness foster real peace among peoples, I would posit that it’s a greater good when our all-knowing, merciful God prevents a soul from doing even more evil.

I’m pleased and feel good that our administration has made good people safer. – Martin August Thiel, Williamsburg

Liberals give enemies a pass

Re: “Is drone warfare moral?” (Catholic Virginian, Jan. 13): it’s funny how most people on the liberal/ socialist side of the aisle, like Bishop Richard Stika, Dennis Sadowski and Stephen Schneck attack everything American but give a pass to our enemies.

Calling the elimination of a murdering dog like Soleimani an assassination is an assassination of the English language. Soleimani was a murderer who used the tactic of terror to kill more than 600 humans. Equating Soleimani to a cabinet member of the USA is ludicrous. No cabinet member of the USA has used terror as a tool.

I can’t remember a story written by Sadowski regarding the illustrious career of Soleimani. There have been no stories carried by the CV telling of the abundance of murders carried out by Soleimani. No stories of how the good sisters, brothers, priests and bishops have pled with Soleimani and his superiors to try talking to head off war.

In the case of Soleimani, the time for talk ended at about his 200th murder. President Trump showed great restraint in not targeting him much sooner. – Henry A. Dowgielewicz, Monroe

Every holiday is not a holy day

Re: “…And the festivities continue” (Catholic Virginian, Dec. 30): The unnamed author stated: “In the Catholic culture of the United States we live and experience these holidays on a deeply spiritual level, but as a universal Church, we also live and experience the holidays of many cultures in the same way.”

This is absolutely not true. Because a day is declared a holiday does not necessarily make it a holy day to be acknowledged on a “deeply spiritual level” by Christ-centric Catholics. Epiphany is a holy day and is recognized as such by Catholics with attendance at Mass. Kwanzaa is not remotely in the same category.

Kwanzaa is the December 26, 1966, brainchild of Ronald Everett. Everett changed his name to Maulana (Swahili for master teacher) Karenga. He is a Black Nationalist/Separatist and self- proclaimed Marxist.

Some of the “seven principles” of Kwanzaa as mentioned in the article seem laudable enough if you are just reading individual words like “Unity” and “Faith.” However, Unity, as Karenga explains, is limited to black people, and “Faith” is rooted in self and other black people – not God.

It is baffling how the author of “festivities” managed to equate Kwanzaa with Epiphany and more so why the article was published in a Catholic newspaper. Hopefully, no one will take seriously the writer’s suggestion to see Kwanzaa “as a testimony to the life Christ wants us to live.” St. Stephen is that clear testimony on Dec. 26! – Christy Metacarpa, Williamsburg

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