Lent 2022

April 8, 2022, by Paul Senz, Catholic News Service
Every year on Palm Sunday, we hear the narrative of the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This year, we read from the Gospel of St. Luke. It is a story that is familiar to us. As Catholics, we surround ourselves with depictions of the passion and death of Jesus. We hang crucifixes on our walls and on chains around our necks; we put crucifixes in the sanctuaries of our churches and on our altars; we ring our churches with the Stations of the Cross. We hear of the entrance into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the agony in the garden, the arrest and trial of Jesus, and his scourging and crucifixion. The proclamation of the passion narrative on Palm Sunday,…
April 8, 2022, by Jem Sullivan, Catholic News Service
April 1, 2022, by Cassandra Palmer, Catholic News Service
April 1, 2022, by David Gibson, Catholic News Service
March 25, 2022, by Susan Hines-Brigger, Catholic News Service
March 25, 2022, by Jonathan Lewis, Catholic News Service
March 18, 2022, by Effie Caldarola, Catholic News Service
March 18, 2022, by Jesuit Father Richard G. Malloy, Catholic News Service
March 11, 2022, by Shemaiah Gonzalez, Catholic News Service
March 11, 2022, by Father Herb Weber, Catholic News Service