Two men ordained priests for the Diocese of Richmond

(Left to right) Father David Arellano, Bishop Barry C. Knestout, and Father Seth Seaman at the end of the ordination Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond, June 1, 2024. (Photo/Michael Mickle)

On June 1, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond, Bishop Barry C. Knestout ordained two men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Richmond.

Father David Arellano, 26, will be assigned to Blessed Sacrament, Harrisonburg. Father Seth Seaman, 38, will be assigned to St. Bridget, Richmond.

Priests from across the diocese came to the 10:30 a.m. Mass, in which all priests in attendance laid their hands on the heads of Father Arellano and Father Seaman to signify their incorporation into the order of priests. Then, Bishop Barry C. Knestout anointed their hands with the Sacred Chrism.

The Gospel reading was Jesus’ discourse on the Good Shepherd from John 10:11-16, in which he says, “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

“This ‘laying down of one’s life’ is much more than the promises or vows made on an ordination day,” Bishop Knestout said in his homily. “The key to this generosity of service and sacrifice is knowing the voice of the shepherd.”

“David and Seth, dear sons, you are to be raised to the order of the priesthood,” Bishop Knestout continued. “Impart to everyone the word of God, which you have received with joy.”

Both priests will celebrate their first Masses on June 2, on the feast of Corpus Christi. Father Arellano will celebrate Mass at the Pro-Cathedral of St. Peter, Richmond, at 10:45 a.m.; Father Seaman will celebrate Mass at St. Joseph, Hampton, at 11 a.m.


Read the full story.

Read more about the diocese’s two new priests!

See more photos from the June 1 ordination.


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