Bishop to commission 6 lay ecclesial ministers

Bishop Barry C. Knestout will commission as lay ministers six people who have completed studies through the diocese’s Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute (LEMI). The commissioning will take place during Mass, Saturday, June 18, 10:30 a.m., at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.

Established by the late Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo in 2011, LEMI provides participants with academic, human, spiritual and pastoral formation as they execute various ministries in parishes and schools.

According to Bernadette Harris, director of LEMI and an associate director in the diocese’s Office of Christian Formation, since 2011, lay ministers from 59 parishes have completed LEMI formation. Over the last six years, 53 candidates have been commissioned as lay ecclesial ministers for the Diocese of Richmond. Thirty-one candidates are in formation and are expected to be commissioned over the next few years.

In anticipation of their commissioning, The Catholic Virginian asked the lay ministers to share their thoughts about LEMI formation. One of the six, Corrine Puzio, campus minister at UVA, did not respond.

Editor’s note: Further information about LEMI is available by calling 804-622-5157 or emailing [email protected].

Patty Gazewood

Chaplain, St. Thomas Aquinas, Charlottesville

What impact has LEMI formation had upon you personally?

LEMI has deepened my spiritual life as a woman of faith, nurtured my growth in humility, broadened my prayer life, expanded my perception and expression of divine presence in diverse ways, increased my awareness of the Holy Spirit’s work throughout human history, and developed my appreciation for how divine grace operates in all of creation.

How will LEMI formation impact your ministry and those you serve?

My growth in theological understanding, pastoral skills and spiritual grounding in divine love and mercy empowers me to humbly serve as an interfaith chaplain who offers spiritual care to those who suffer illness, old age or death, their families and caregivers.

Patti Kamper

Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation, St. Michael the Archangel, Glen Allen

What impact has LEMI formation had upon you personally?

Applying for LEMI was a prompting of the Holy Spirit, and the experience pushed me outside of my comfort zone. Each workshop and retreat helped me be a more confident and skilled minister. Completing an MA after a 25-year hiatus from the academic world was personally challenging and extremely fulfilling. Thank you to the diocese for this opportunity and to my family who, with God’s grace, carried me through the past four years.

How will LEMI formation impact your ministry and those you serve?

I have grown in faith and knowledge that has ignited my desire to share my faith with others. I am better equipped for my ministry and hope to provide others with meaningful experiences to learn more and encounter Christ.

Paulette Leonard

Art/Religion Teacher and Religion Coordinator for St. Anne School, St. Anne, Bristol

What impact has LEMI formation had upon you personally?

The four-year LEMI formation commitment has been challenging because I teach full-time, am involved with several parish ministries and have a family. I like the immersion study process for several reasons. One, I prefer online courses because you can “attend” at your convenience. Two, I love to read and learn new things. Three, I enjoy writing papers and expressing my ideas.

How will LEMI formation impact your ministry and those you serve?

The impact this formation opportunity has had and will continue to have on me is the knowledge and understanding I have gained through a program that is very well thought out. The courses are sequential in order to build a solid foundation of the Catholic faith. I have also collected a good reference library from the books we studied.

Andrew McCarthy

Coordinator of Youth Ministry, St. Edward the Confessor, Richmond

What impact has LEMI formation had upon you personally?

I had two primary goals when applying for LEMI: to become the best version of myself and to be the minister God desires me to be. My time of formation has led me through five years of youth ministry, a marriage, two children and two different parishes. I can wholeheartedly say that the LEMI program played a significant role in forming me into the Catholic, husband, father and youth minister I am.

How will LEMI formation impact your ministry and those you serve?

My LEMI formation has equipped me to better answer the final command of our Lord in Matthew 28: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” It has brought forth an abundance of graces in our ministry and prepared me to better meet the spiritual needs of today’s young people.

Melody Smith

Director of Christian Formation, Prince of Peace, Chesapeake

What impact has LEMI formation had upon you personally?

The LEMI program has supported my professional life by offering me training in time management, leadership and spirituality augmenting my Master’s program in pastoral theology. On a personal level, the program has helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses. I’ve become more conscious of the needs of other people, especially those from differing cultures and socioeconomic groups. The process of giving up less critical roles, such as managing the livestreaming of Mass, allows me to participate more fully in the experience of the Eucharist. As a spiritual director, I help others find Spirit’s small voice and discern the direction God leads. With the IT courses offered through LEMI, I have been able to adapt to online spiritual direction during COVID. Additionally, the comradery and support of peers attending the program with me has set me up for successful ministry and support for years to come.

How will LEMI formation impact your ministry and those you serve?

LEMI has informed and supported my personal and professional life. I especially loved the classes I took on ministry to the dying and the one on ministry to those with mental disorders. I am hopeful that our new mental health support groups will be of great service to our community. I’m also looking forward to continuing with ongoing formation classes and with the connective friendships and comradery of other LEMI graduates who’ve also answered the call to a life in ministry.

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