Visually dazzling animated comedy in which a college-bound aspiring filmmaker (voice of Abbi Jacobson) whose addiction to gadgets puts her at perpetual loggerheads with her nature-loving father (voice of Danny McBride) is dismayed when Dad turns her journey to campus into a cross-country family road trip. While her mom (voice of Maya Rudolph) tries to play the role of mediator and her little brother (voice of Michael Rianda, who also co-wrote and directed) pursues his obsessive interest in dinosaurs, their quarrels are suddenly dwarfed by the outbreak of a robot apocalypse, a worldwide mechanical rebellion led by a virtual assistant (voice of Olivia Colman) who’s angry that her inventor (voice of Eric Andre) is about to replace her with a more cutting-edge device. Rianda and his script collaborator, Jeff Rowe, use their seemingly ridiculous — yet absolutely hilarious — storyline to present a very relevant commentary on our society’s overdependence on technology while also showcasing the qualities of a resilient, cooperative clan working together to save the world. Some cartoon violence. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II — adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.