As directed and co-written by Andy Tennant, this adaptation of Rhonda Byrne’s self-help book, ostensibly a romantic drama, is essentially a thinly disguised sales pitch for Byrne’s power-of-positive-thinking philosophy according to which it’s possible to just will one’s self into wealth, opportunity and true love. A widowed mother of three (Katie Holmes) working for a Louisiana seafood restaurateur (Jerry O’Connell) who pines for her is a prey to bad impulsive decisions and is constantly in debt. Then into her life — not by coincidence — mind you, drops Mr. Right (Josh Lucas) who thereafter serves as the spokesman for Byrne’s outlook. The film does strive to be likable. But the script’s message is a far cry from anything resembling traditional Christian spirituality. So, although the more usual problematic elements are virtually absent, the movie cannot be endorsed for young viewers — or those among their elders inclined to buy the Brooklyn Bridge. Promotion of a nonscriptural worldview requiring mature discernment, a single crass term. The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.