Letters • May 4, 2020


Grateful for work of CV writers

Kudos to Father Anthony Marques and his task force for the inspirational history of our diocese.

During these frightening times it is so comforting to hear of the courageous people who went before us to help bring character, integrity and spirituality to our Church.

Their love for God and their dedication through all kinds of adversity helps us now to face the horrors of this pandemic.

Thanks also to your other writers who are bringing us comfort and understanding when we so desperately need it.

Thanks to all of you and God bless you.

– Joe Swonk, Dunnsville

Goal should be sainthood

As we chart uncertain territory in the world and our Church, we must remember that the Church is here to always lead people to Christ. Through many discussions with friends, family, parishioners, other Catholics I fear what messages the leaders of our diocese are giving to the congregants.

Many people I talk to are feeling there may not be a reason at all to return to the Church after all this is over. That the ability to cut everyone off from the sacraments so completely shows how non-essential they must be. There is anger that they are denied the right to receive the Eucharist.

The Catholic Church teaches that the most direct way to salvation, living eternity in heaven with our Lord, is through baptism and the Real Presence of the Eucharist, but that was not available to many in our diocese at Easter.

Some parishes only had two people going through the RCIA program. That would have required five people (social distancing, of course) to make that happen, yet they still have not been initiated into the Catholic Church.

Although we must be vigilant and careful not to make people sick, we must always remember we are spiritual beings on a human journey and our goal should always be sainthood and getting others to Christ. How is our diocese working toward that goal at the present time?

– James Notebaert, Vinton

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