Homeschool families on pilgrimage in Williamsburg

Families from St. Benedict, Chesapeake, and St. Bede, Williamsburg, enjoy ice skating at the downtown rink in Colonial Williamsburg on Jan. 17, 2025. (Photo/Heather Clemens)
Michele Spike presents on the Holy House of Nazareth and the connection to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham at the shrine on Jan. 17, 2025. (Photo/Heather Clemens)

On Friday, Jan. 17, homeschool families from St. Benedict, Chesapeake, and St. Bede, Williamsburg, made a joint pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Williamsburg.

The families are part of the seven Praesidia of the Legion of Mary; the parish groups are part of the Tidewater Comitium. Approximately 110 people were in attendance from nearly 40 families, which included both active and auxiliary members from the churches’ Legions of Mary.

The day began in prayer at the national shrine, which included the 7-decade rosary and devotional prayers to Our Lady of Walsingham. The prayer hour culminated with Junior Praesidium president, Emily Stephenson, leading the participants in Marian songs.

After the prayer hour was a presentation by Michele Spike, retired professor of law from William & Mary, and religious art enthusiast who was commissioned by Msgr. Timothy Keeney, former pastor of St. Bede, to write a book on the history of the Holy House of Nazareth and its connection to the shrine in Williamsburg.

Next was a walk across the street to the Williamsburg House of Mercy, where the group enjoyed lunch, and the children took part in a service project while the adults learned more about the mission of the Williamsburg House of Mercy.

The pilgrims spent the afternoon ice skating at an outdoor rink on Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg, and being witnesses of the domestic Church in action!


Heather Clemens is the parent who organized the pilgrimage.


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